League transaction log -- John McGraw
Regular season

4/5/2023SEAAlvarez,FTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEABoydTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEABradishTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEACastro,RTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEACastro,WTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAChavisTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAContreras,RTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEACooperTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEADavis,JDTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEADe JongTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEADunnTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAEatonTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAGonzalesTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAGore,MTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAHaggertyTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAHerget,JTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAIsbelTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAJimenez,JTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAKelly,CTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAKowarTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAKremerTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEALee,DTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEALiberatoreTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAMartin,DTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAMartinez,STraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAMenesesTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAMercedesTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAMizeTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAMollTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAMontero,ETraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAMoore,DTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAOrtiz,LFTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAPerdomo,GTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAPerez,CiTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEARefsnyderTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEARobertTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEASewaldTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEASteeleTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEASuarez,ETraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAThompson,BTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEATrammellTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAVientosTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAWells,TTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAWendleTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAWilson,BTraded awayRMH After
4/5/2023SEAYepezTraded awayRMH After
4/11/2023DSPHudson,DanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2023DSPRogers,TyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/20/2023wtbKeller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
4/20/2023wtbMeansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/23/2023DSPCastro,HPromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2023DSPPenaPlaced on Injured List 4/21/2023Before
4/23/2023TORAnderson,IPromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2023TORCarpenter,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/23/2023TORCarrollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/23/2023TORHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2023TORManningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/23/2023TORWinkerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/26/2023CEDAlbiesPlaced on Injured List 4/23/2023Before
4/26/2023CEDBrosseauPromoted to active roster  Before
4/26/2023CEDSmith,KPromoted to active roster  Before
4/26/2023CEDSolanoPlaced on Injured List 4/25/2023Before
4/26/2023DSPHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/26/2023PEAStromanPlaced on Injured List 4/26/2023Before
4/26/2023PEAWhite,MPromoted to active roster  Before
4/26/2023TORAlvarez,YPlaced on Injured List 4/25/2023Before
4/26/2023TORAnderson,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/26/2023TORManningPromoted to active roster  Before
4/26/2023TORRufPromoted to active roster  Before
4/29/2023CEDBrashPromoted to active roster  Before
4/29/2023CEDThompson,KPlaced on Injured List 4/29/2023Before
5/2/2023DSPHudson,DanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/5/2023DSPPenaActivated from Injured List  Before
5/5/2023DSPRogers,TyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/5/2023wtbBickfordPromoted to active roster  Before
5/5/2023wtbCortesPlaced on Injured List 5/2/2023Before
5/11/2023CEDBrashDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/11/2023CEDThompson,KActivated from Injured List  Before
5/11/2023CHILa StellaPlaced on Injured List 4/24/2023Before
5/11/2023CHIOzunaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/11/2023TORAnderson,IPromoted to active roster  Before
5/11/2023TORKing,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/11/2023TORManningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/11/2023TORMayzaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/14/2023TORAlvarez,YActivated from Injured List  Before
5/14/2023TORRufDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/17/2023CEDAlmoraPromoted to active roster  Before
5/17/2023CEDBrashPromoted to active roster  Before
5/17/2023CEDFreelandPlaced on Injured List 5/16/2023Before
5/17/2023CEDKiermaierPlaced on Injured List 5/15/2023Before
5/17/2023wtbBarnes,APlaced on Injured List 5/16/2023Before
5/17/2023wtbRominePromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2023SPRClarkePlaced on Injured List 5/19/2023Before
5/20/2023SPRSmith,WMPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2023TORAnderson,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2023TORCasaliDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2023TORHigashiokaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2023TORKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2023TORKing,MPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2023TORManningPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2023TORMayzaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2023TORMilnerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2023TORStephanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2023TORWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2023CEDAlbiesActivated from Injured List  Before
5/26/2023CEDAlmoraPlaced on Injured List 5/26/2023Before
5/26/2023DSPAnderson,CPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/2023DSPGerman,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2023DSPHudson,DanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2023DSPRogers,TyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/2023TORAnderson,IPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/2023TOREffrossDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2023TORManningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2023TORManoahPlaced on Injured List 5/24/2023Before
5/26/2023TORMayzaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/2023TORStephanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2023PEAPepiotDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/29/2023PEAStromanActivated from Injured List  Before
5/29/2023TORAnderson,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/29/2023TORCarrollPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2023TOREffrossPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2023TORKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/29/2023TORManningPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2023TORMayzaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/29/2023TORMayzaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2023TORMilnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/29/2023TORWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2023TORWinkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/29/2023wtbBickfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/29/2023wtbCortesActivated from Injured List  Before
6/1/2023SPRClarkeActivated from Injured List  Before
6/1/2023SPRHouserPlaced on Injured List 5/29/2023Before
6/1/2023SPRSmith,WMDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/1/2023SPRThompson,ZachPromoted to active roster  Before
6/4/2023CEDBrashDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/4/2023CEDBrashPromoted to active roster  Before
6/4/2023CEDBrosseauDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/4/2023CEDKiermaierActivated from Injured List  Before
6/4/2023CEDSmith,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/4/2023CEDSolanoActivated from Injured List  Before
6/4/2023DSPGerman,DPromoted to active roster  Before
6/4/2023DSPRogers,TyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2023DSPCorderoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2023DSPKreidlerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2023DSPSolakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2023DSPSolakPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2023TORAnderson,IPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2023TORCarrollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2023TORCavePromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2023TORKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2023TORKing,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2023TORManningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/10/2023CEDBrashDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/10/2023CEDCarpenter,KPromoted to active roster  Before
6/10/2023CEDHall,DaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/10/2023CEDLynchPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2023DSPHudson,DanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2023DSPKreidlerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/16/2023TORAnderson,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/16/2023TORBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2023TORCarpenter,MPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2023TORCarrollPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2023TORCasaliPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2023TORCaveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/16/2023TORHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/16/2023TORHigashiokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/16/2023TORKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/16/2023TORKing,MPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2023TORLuzardoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/16/2023TORManningPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2023TORManoahActivated from Injured List  Before
6/16/2023TORMayzaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/19/2023DSPDelayPromoted to active roster  Before
6/19/2023DSPGerman,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/19/2023DSPMatzekDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/19/2023DSPMay,DPromoted to active roster  Before
6/19/2023NHPNelson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/19/2023NHPSpringsPlaced on Injured List 6/19/2023Before
6/19/2023SPRClarkeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/19/2023SPRSmith,WMPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2023TORAnderson,IPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2023TORBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2023TORCarpenter,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2023TORCarrollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2023TORHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2023TORKing,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2023TORLuzardoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2023TORManningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2023TORMilnerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2023TORWinkerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/27/2023DSPDarvishTraded awayHAV After
6/27/2023DSPLopez,PAcquired via tradeHAV After
6/27/2023HAVDarvishAcquired via tradeDSP After
6/27/2023HAVLopez,PTraded awayDSP After
7/4/2023NHPNelson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2023NHPSpringsActivated from Injured List  Before
7/6/2023SPRAdamesTraded awayCAP After
7/6/2023SPRDonaldsonAcquired via tradeCAP After
7/7/2023DSPPenaPlaced on Injured List 7/7/2023Before
7/7/2023DSPToroPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2023CEDAlmoraActivated from Injured List  Before
7/10/2023CEDFeyereisenPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2023CEDGilbreathDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2023CEDHeinemanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2023CEDKiermaierDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2023CEDKinleyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2023CEDLangeliersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2023CEDThompson,ZackDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2023HAVMachado,ASigned  Before
7/10/2023HAVMachado,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2023NHPMontasPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2023NHPMorejonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2023PEAGrossmanPlaced on Injured List 7/7/2023Before
7/10/2023PEAHernandez,YaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2023PEASnellPlaced on Injured List 7/6/2023Before
7/10/2023PEAYarbroughPromoted to active roster  Before
7/12/2023SPRDonaldsonTraded awayCAP After
7/12/2023SPRKempAcquired via tradeCAP After
7/12/2023TORAzocarAcquired via tradeDUR After
7/12/2023TORRufTraded awayDUR After
7/16/2023NHPAlmonte,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2023NHPMills,WPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2023TORAzocarPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2023TORKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2023TORLuzardoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2023TORThompson,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/18/2023CHIAlbertoAcquired via tradeOLL After
7/18/2023CHIVogtTraded awayOLL After
7/18/2023HAVArroyoAcquired via tradeAUR After
7/18/2023HAVDeversTraded awayAUR After
7/18/2023HAVFarmer,KAcquired via tradeDUR After
7/18/2023HAVGarcia,RoAcquired via tradeCLE After
7/18/2023HAVGray,JosTraded awayAUR After
7/18/2023HAVHedgesAcquired via tradeDUR After
7/18/2023HAVHigginsAcquired via tradeCLE After
7/18/2023HAVKniznerTraded awayCLE After
7/18/2023HAVMachado,ATraded awayAUR After
7/18/2023HAVMiller,OTraded awayAUR After
7/18/2023HAVOhtaniAcquired via tradeAUR After
7/18/2023HAVRojas,MAcquired via tradeDUR After
7/18/2023HAVRomanoTraded awayDUR After
7/18/2023HAVRomanoAcquired via tradeAUR After
7/18/2023HAVServenTraded awayDUR After
7/18/2023HAVWinckowskiTraded awayAUR After
7/18/2023PEACaveAcquired via tradeTOR After
7/18/2023PEAFletcher,DAcquired via tradeTOR After
7/18/2023PEAHanigerAcquired via tradeTOR After
7/18/2023PEAQuijadaTraded awayTOR After
7/18/2023PEASuarez,JAcquired via tradeTOR After
7/18/2023PEATaylor,CTraded awayTOR After
7/18/2023TORCaveTraded awayPEA After
7/18/2023TORFletcher,DTraded awayPEA After
7/18/2023TORFletcher,DAcquired via tradeDUR After
7/18/2023TORHanigerTraded awayPEA After
7/18/2023TORLynnAcquired via tradeDUR After
7/18/2023TORMoran,JAcquired via tradeDUR After
7/18/2023TORQuijadaAcquired via tradePEA After
7/18/2023TORRosario,EdTraded awayDUR After
7/18/2023TORSmith-NjigbaTraded awayDUR After
7/18/2023TORSuarez,JTraded awayPEA After
7/18/2023TORTaylor,CAcquired via tradePEA After
7/18/2023TORWinkerTraded awayDUR After
7/19/2023HAVArroyoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/19/2023HAVGarcia,RoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/19/2023HAVHedgesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/19/2023HAVHigginsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/19/2023HAVVothDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/19/2023NHPNelson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/19/2023NHPPeralta,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/19/2023PEAFletcher,DPromoted to active roster  Before
7/19/2023PEAFriedlDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/19/2023PEAGarverDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/19/2023PEAWynnsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/22/2023HAVBrideDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/2023HAVHigginsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/22/2023NHPNelson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/2023NHPOttoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/22/2023SPRHouserActivated from Injured List  Before
7/22/2023SPRThompson,ZachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/2023TORCasaliDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/22/2023TORHigashiokaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2023DSPPenaActivated from Injured List  Before
7/25/2023DSPToroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/25/2023TORAnderson,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/25/2023TORAzocarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/25/2023TORCarpenter,MPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2023TORCarrollPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2023TORCasaliPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2023TORHigashiokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/25/2023TORJimenez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/25/2023TORKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/25/2023TORKing,MPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2023TORLuzardoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2023TORMarte,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/25/2023TORThompson,TPromoted to active roster  Before
7/28/2023CEDBanksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/28/2023CEDBrujanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/28/2023CEDGilbreathPromoted to active roster  Before
7/28/2023CEDHoldermanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/28/2023CEDKinleyPlaced on Injured List 7/28/2023Before
7/28/2023CEDMcKennaPlaced on Injured List 7/25/2023Before
7/28/2023DSPGerman,DPromoted to active roster  Before
7/28/2023DSPMay,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/3/2023CEDCarpenter,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/3/2023CEDHall,DaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/3/2023CEDNewmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/3/2023CEDSmith,KPromoted to active roster  Before
8/3/2023TORAnderson,IPromoted to active roster  Before
8/3/2023TORAzocarPromoted to active roster  Before
8/3/2023TORCarrollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/3/2023TORLuzardoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/2023DSPAnderson,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/2023DSPMatzekPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/2023NHPHill,TPlaced on Injured List 8/5/2023Before
8/6/2023NHPSmith,PPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/2023TORBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/2023TORCarpenter,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/2023TORCasaliDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/2023TORHigashiokaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/2023TORJimenez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/2023TORKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/2023TORKing,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/2023TORLynnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/2023TORMarte,KPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/2023TORParedes,IPlaced on Injured List 8/4/2023Before
8/9/2023PEABoruckiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2023PEAGrossmanActivated from Injured List  Before
8/9/2023PEAHeaneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2023PEAHernandez,YaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2023PEASnellActivated from Injured List  Before
8/9/2023PEAYarbroughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/2023DSPHudson,DanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/2023DSPRogers,TyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023HAVHouckPlaced on Injured List 8/12/2023Before
8/12/2023HAVSawamuraPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023TORAnderson,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/2023TORAzocarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/2023TORCarpenter,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023TORCarrollPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023TORGreene,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/2023TORJimenez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/2023TORKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/12/2023TORKing,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023TORLuzardoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023TORLynnPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023TORManningPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023TORManoahPlaced on Injured List 8/11/2023Before
8/12/2023TORMayzaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/12/2023TORQuijadaPlaced on Injured List 8/12/2023Before
8/15/2023CEDCabrera,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2023CEDHall,DaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2023DSPPenaPlaced on Injured List 8/15/2023Before
8/15/2023DSPPollockPlaced on Injured List 8/14/2023Before
8/15/2023DSPSolakPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2023DSPToroPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2023TORAnderson,IPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2023TORBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2023TORGreene,HPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2023TORLynnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/18/2023TORCasaliPromoted to active roster  Before
8/18/2023TORHigashiokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/18/2023TORKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/18/2023TORKing,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2023NHPKershawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2023NHPVelazquez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2023SPRCandelarioPlaced on Injured List 8/10/2023Before
8/21/2023SPROdorPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2023TORGreene,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2023TORKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2023TORKing,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2023TORLynnPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/2023TORAzocarPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/2023TORCarrollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/2023TORCasaliDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/2023TORGreene,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/2023TORGreene,HPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/2023TORHigashiokaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/2023TORJimenez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/2023TORLynnPromoted to active roster  Before
8/24/2023TORParedes,IActivated from Injured List  Before
8/24/2023TORTaylor,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/2023TORThompson,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/2023TORWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2023CEDAlbiesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2023CEDEspinal,SPlaced on Injured List 8/22/2023Before
8/27/2023CEDGilbreathDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2023CEDKinleyActivated from Injured List  Before
8/27/2023CEDMarcanoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2023CEDNewmanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2023DSPPenaActivated from Injured List  Before
8/27/2023DSPUrias,LPlaced on Injured List 8/26/2023Before
8/27/2023TORAzocarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2023TORGray,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2023TORLynnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2023TORManoahActivated from Injured List  Before
8/27/2023TORMarte,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2023TORTaylor,CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2023TORThompson,TPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2023TORWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
8/30/2023HAVArroyoPlaced on Injured List 8/29/2023Before
8/30/2023HAVBridePromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2023DSPPollockActivated from Injured List  Before
9/2/2023DSPSolakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2023NHPHill,TActivated from Injured List  Before
9/2/2023NHPVelazquez,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2023SPRBelloPlaced on Injured List 9/2/2023Before
9/2/2023SPRThompson,ZachPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2023TORAnderson,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2023TORAzocarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2023TORAzocarPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2023TORCarrollPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2023TORCasaliPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2023TORGray,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2023TORHigashiokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2023TORKing,MPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2023TORMilnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2023TORThompson,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDAlmoraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDAlvaradoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDBanksPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDBarreroPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDBarriaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDBieberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDBrashPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDBrosseauPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDBubicPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDCabrera,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDCarpenter,KPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDDe Los Santos,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDDe Los Santos,YPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDDiaz,AlexDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDDiaz,YaiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDFreelandActivated from Injured List  Before
9/5/2023CEDGilbreathPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDGustavePromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDHall,DaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDHappDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDHaysDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDKinleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDKirbyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDLametPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDMcKennaActivated from Injured List  Before
9/5/2023CEDMyersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDNola,AaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDPalacios,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDSanchez,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDSolanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDTeperaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDThompson,ZackPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDTovarPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023CEDVogelbachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFAguilar,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFArciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFBaddooPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFBanuelosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFBassittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFBlackburnPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFBrantleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFBumgarnerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFCamargoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFCessaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFCrismattDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFCruz,NPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFGarcia,AvPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFHarperDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFHjellePromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFLorenzenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFMartinez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFMejia,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFNelson,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFNola,AuPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFPeralta,WaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFPerez,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFPhamDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFRizzoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFRyuPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFStantonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFValdez,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFVargas,IPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFVarlandPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NDFZimmermannPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023NHPCabrera,ODemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023NHPPhillips,BPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023TORAnderson,IPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023TORAzocarPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023TORBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2023TORCarpenter,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023TORCarrollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023TORGray,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023TORLuzardoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2023TORMarte,KPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2023DSPCabrera,GPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2023DSPMartin,ChDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2023HAVMcCarthyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2023HAVRojas,MPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023DSPGerman,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023DSPSolakPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPCavalliPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPFeddePromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPGroshansPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPHoernerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPLuplowPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPMachado,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPSlaterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPSpringsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023NHPStriderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023TORAlvarez,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023TORBednarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023TORCarrollPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023TORCasaliDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023TORHigashiokaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023TORKing,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023TORMilnerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023TORMoran,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023TORQuijadaActivated from Injured List  Before
9/11/2023TORQuijadaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/11/2023TORStephenson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/11/2023TORWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/14/2023DSPLopez,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/14/2023DSPMay,DPromoted to active roster  Before